**after re-reading this post I decided to edit the content. It was a bit harsh at first I believe.**
I'm not a huge fan of the no technology kicks some people go on, but at the same time I also don't like the overflow of technology I am seeing in a lot of peoples homes and lives. I just don't feel that an iphone, ipod, ipad, laptop, desktop, e-reader, multiple tv's and game systems are really necessary. I'm noticing that a lot of people my age are obsessed with having it all when it comes to technology. Why not just pick and choose your electronics and be a little more economical while at it? I have fallen into this WANT of new shiny things when the things I already have do the job perfectly. Here is my list of things we have and things that are just really overload.
1. Laptop- This is the piece I use the most. It is my gps (google maps), internet browser, coupon printer, e-reader, word processor, etc. It is portable and I feel like it does all I need. No need for an extra desktop which just takes up space and is bulky!
2. Smartphone- yes, I have a smartphone and no it is not connected to the internet and I do not pay extra for it to have a dataplan. I purposefully got a touch screen "smart" phone that I was not required to have a data plan on. Why? because it saves me lots of money, it does everything a phone should do and everything else I can go to my laptop for. I have no desire to have an iphone and as a previous iphone user I can honestly say I don't miss it at all.
3. Books bought on e-bay, Amazon, or half.com- I read a lot and I have no problem buying used books for super duper cheap online and having them delivered to my door or getting them for free from the library. I have no desire at all to have an e-reader. Can you imagine the frustration of the battery going out while reading or having to charge your book or not taking your book to the pool or beach because it is an electronic that could get damaged? No thank you! There is something about turning the pages and smelling the paper of a real book that is just magical to me. I will never have an e-reader.
4. multiple game systems- we have a ps3 and a wii. We never use the wii. So we have a pointless game system laying around. We keep it because we figure one day Tristan will like it and it has a lot of kid friendly games and it is fun to play with a group of friends. It is not really needed but we bought it before the ps3 so there ya go. We did also have an xbox360 but when we got the ps3 we got rid of the xbox because it would be just another game system and that would have been pointless! My point is choose your favorite and go with that. I would say choose a system that is also a blu ray player so you can consolidate that way as well.
5. ipad- don't even get me started on these, lol. To me if you want the technology of an ipad just get an iphone, that way you have your ipad gadgets as well as your phone and you can cut down on an electronic. I know they are different things but I just don't get the point of these.
6. multiple tv's- not a huge fan of a tv in the bedroom. To me a bedroom is for sleeping, romance, and relaxation.
I guess my point is this: Take a look around you at the gadgets you have and ask yourself if they are really necessary. What else could you be devoting your time, money, space, and electrical bill to? Unless you are a business owner, serious gamer or programmer then more than likely you don't NEED the overflow of electronics.