Tristan at 9 months is a handful. Here are some of the things he has been doing this month!
-he has 6 teeth
- he can cruise around the living room by holding onto the furniture.
- he is finally crawling instead of scooting everywhere!
- he stopped nursing on his own. One day he just wouldn't take it and we haven't looked back since.
- He has decided he loves apple juice
- The doctor says he needs to gain some weight by his 12 month appointment so we are working on feeding him a little more but it is a struggle because his reflux has come back with the increased feedings.
- he took his first very wobbly and very short step!
- he is a climber
- he loves to play peek a boo
- he loves to scream and really enjoys the sounds his voice can make
- he is learning the meaning of no
- his new favorite food seems to be blueberries and baby oatmeal.
- he says "dada" and "mama" to us now instead of just saying it to everyone.
- he loves his toys and will happily play in the floor for hours
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