Saturday, April 30, 2011

My List of 5 Mom Must Haves (birth-4months)

Here is a list of my five favorite products to have around since having our first child. Remember to keep in mind that I have a little boy and I am breastfeeding so both of those have played a role in my list of must have products. Also, I have excluded the must have essentials such as diapers, wipes, rash cream, Vaseline, changing pad, nursing pads. The reason I excluded these is because everyone usually has their favorite brands of these products and everyone also always has them. This is a list of things that you don't have to have, they are just awfully nice!

1. Manual breast pump
Why? Breastfeeding is really hard at first and having a breast pump allows you to get the extra milk out and also gives you the flexibility to bottle feed your baby when in public or if your baby goes to day care. I like the manual pump because you can take it anywhere and you don't have to worry about batteries or finding a place to plug it in.

2. Sheet savers
Why? Drool, leaky diapers, spit up. Changing a crib mattress is hard enough without having to do it several times a day. Tuck in a sheet saver and lay your baby on it, then all you have to do is stick it in the wash! So much easier than changing the whole sheet.

3. Boppy pillow
Why? Because you can do so many things with it! Perfect for breastfeeding and for propping baby up during play time.

4. Sleepers with Zippers
Why? because snaps are so hard to deal with in the middle of the night! My baby boy is so wiggly it is way easier to do diaper changes at 3am if his sleeper just zips up.

5. Infant rocker
Why? Many of these have toy bars that attach so baby can play with them when he starts to reach for toys. Also most of them have a "calming vibrations" feature. I don't use the vibration because my son doesn't like it, but I love this rocker because it is lightweight and can be carried from room to room and also fits in the back of the car for when we go to friends and family. This way baby has his own place to sit and play while we eat dinner or hang out!