Tristan had his first try at rice cereal today. He just turned four months on Sunday and today at his regular check up the doctor said to go ahead and feed him one bowl of rice cereal a day. For a first try I think the feeding today went well, although we had kind of a rocky start. A four month old eating out of a spoon is quite a learning experience for both the baby and parents! The first bowl of rice cereal we prepared ended up being flipped out of my hand by an excited Tristan and landed all over him and his seat(it was actually quite hilarious). After our little mishap Jake took Tristan and cleaned him off while I made a second bowl of cereal. I had to make the second bowl with formula because I didn't have any milk pumped or thawed so I was a little disappointed about that. The formula mixed with the rice cereal may also have contributed to the many sour faces that Tristan gave me during the first few spoon fulls. It took awhile for Tristan to get comfortable with the spoon in his mouth but near the end of his feeding he was doing a good job eating out of the side of the baby spoon and actually opened his mouth a few times for more bites. When we were almost to the end of the bowl the inevitable spit up occurred and Tristan got very mad because he had wet stuff on his skin since he was only wearing a diaper and bib after the first bowl spilled on him. He started fussing and wanted nothing to do with the leftover rice cereal (which was pretty cold by this point) so I went and gave him a nice warm bath which made him super happy! After his bath he didn't want anything other than to nurse and go to bed and after his experience tonight he seemed awfully happy to have his regular food source back.
aaww so fun feeding a baby!! I started isabella on sweet peas haha I tried rice cereal and it stopped her up :( so i stopped giving it to her... but she sure loved sweet peas! :) It's so much fun seeing their faces though! :)