Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pregnancy update

Things seem to be going well. I haven't had a doctors appointment for awhile, but my comprehensive ultra sound is coming up on the 23rd!!! My belly is poking out for sure, but the odd thing is I don't really have cravings yet. I keep waiting for them to show up but I have more food aversions than anything. No morning sickness anymore, but the tiredness and headaches still come around now and then. The only other thing going on is joint pain in my lower back and hips to the point where I look like an old lady getting off the couch or it hurts to walk. Not sure if this is normal or not, but I will talk to the doctor about it to make sure, maybe its just a regular pregnancy thing.
Well, this week is week 16/17 ...I have a hard time keeping count. I will be back with another update next weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your preggo belly!! I bet you are so cute. Pregnancy does the strangest things to our bodies. I know I had aches and pains that I didn't normally have, but its always safe to ask your doc.

    Enjoy seeing your little one on the 23rd!!
