Today we had our comprehensive ultra sound at UNC. The ultrasound tech was really great and explained everything thoroughly because there was a med student there observing. It was great to see and know that the baby is super healthy, but a little behind schedule. I am supposed to be right at 18weeks, but the ultrasound read 17weeks, 3days so my due date has been pushed back to December 28th! Im not worried about it, I think the baby will come when he wants to, either near christmas or new-years, just pick a holiday! There was no doubt from the ultrasound that we are having a baby boy! My husband Jake does not want me to post those pictures online though. In his own words, "I don't want my baby's junk posted on the internet" HAHAHA. The things husbands say sometimes just make me laugh. The ultrasound tech kept saying our baby was being a show off because he would just not sit still. He kept flipping from side to side and waving his arms around, but she managed to get some great pictures. The baby's name is going to be Tristan, unless we happen to change our mind in the next few months. The middle name we don't have yet, but it will come soon im sure! So, there you have it. Our baby boy is doing well and is going to be active just like his daddy. :)
This has to be the coolest ultra sound ever.
ReplyDeleteI can totally hear Jake saying that! And, Tristan is a beautiful name. Is there a story behind why you chose it?
ReplyDeleteI love his little picture...looks like he is smiling!!