Why, Yes I did!!
I know you are thinking, "didn't they just plan out their garden and start digging?"
Yes, but that familiar itch to plant a good variety of veggi's in our garden hit both of us this week.
Amanda was tempted to buy cabbage and I was tempted a bit further and bought pumpkin, green pepper, and butternut squash seeds. The pumpkin, green pepper and squash seeds cannot be planted outdoors until it is slightly warmer so I have started them in their own indoor "greenhouse" where they will stay for a few weeks.
On another note, I came home today to find that seedlings grow very fast in just three days! Jake and I left for the weekend to go visit my parents and by the time we got back today my sprouts had grown three times the size they were when I left! As of now at least two of each plant has sprouted and many of them have leaves. These plants we are hoping will be ready to plant outside by friday. Here are the pictures of the new plants, can you believe this all happened three days since the last pictures and one week exactly since planting?!
Guess what I'm going to try to grow this year... I'm going to try my hand at growing a strawberry plant! haha... I think the package I bought only has like enough to grow one I think haha. :)