Monday, May 25, 2009

been awhile

so,yes, it has been awhile since i last updated my blog. Things have been really busy lately!! My mom is doing well, she just finished her second chemo treatment and while it made her a little sick, she recovered and is feeling pretty good now. My last day at work was last Tuesday so i had the opportunity to go down and spend time with mom right after her treatment. It was so nice to be able to be there for her and just keep her company since she was confined to the house. I was able to stay through Sunday afternoon and was so glad i got to hear my dad preach on sunday morning. I always enjoy hearing his sermons and it had been too long since i last heard one.
I came home to just callie since lela is at the kennel until tuesday, and she is so happy to have me all to herself. I swear pets can be just like kids at times. She is currently playing in my moving boxes and it is the first time since i got home that she has not been sitting on my lap.
Jake is doing well in iraq. We had a tough week because there was a bombing which killed three of our soldiers. Anytime a soldier is killed, they cut off the communication lines until they can alert the next of kin and have everything figured out. So, most of us had no idea what was going on and we were not able to talk to our husbands for several days. Of course, we knew that our guys were okay but it was nevre racking not to hear jakes voice and i just wanted to hear from him that everything was okay. I was able to finally talk to him yesterday and then saw him today on the web cam which was GREAT! I am taking a lazy day today since it is memorial day, but i will be very busy the rest of this week with plans to attend school this fall and i have to get the tire and brakes on the car fixed.
Well, that is all for now! Have a great memorial day!

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