1. Burts Bees Apricot baby oil- This stuff is amazing. I love putting just a little bit in his bath, it makes him smell so good and it clears up the rough patches he gets on his skin, plus it makes my hands soft in the process!

2. Perdue whole grain chicken breast nuggets- out of all the chicken nuggets out there Tristan loves these the most. It makes me feel better about giving him chicken nuggets because the breading is whole grain and it is breast meat. He is usually super picky about his meat but he loves these!

3. Old Navy baby socks- These are the best socks I have found! They stay on Tristans feet and are not too tight around his little legs,plus they are thick enough that he can run around in just socks and not get cold toes!

4. Plastic colander- Seriously the best bath time toy ever.
5. Fruties squeeze baby food- There are a lot of different brands of squeeze baby food but I like these the best because they are always a great price and they have more in them than the Target brand. The only down side is that they are fruit and no vegi flavors but if you are willing to spend a little more you can buy different brands that have vegi flavors. Tristan eats one of these every morning on the way to day care. It keeps him happy in the car :)

6. Huggies Slip on diapers- Honestly I could take or leave the fact that these are slip on. What I like the most about these diapers is the way they fit around the waist and legs. They are more elastic like and keep in the mess!