Well, I had not seen my parents in a long time so i decided to take a quick trip down to their house. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off this week since I worked last weekend and I have to work this weekend too. So, it was a perfect opportunity to go visit the parents.
Once Lela and I got there on Monday night we pretty much just visited for a little bit then went straight to bed. Tuesday was a really cold day so we just stayed around the area and drove up to Elizabeth City and mom and I ran errands.But, today ended up being really really nice so mom and I packed up and took lela to kitty hawk! I was not totally prepared to take lela to the beach so we had to stop at Wal-Mart and I bought a 20ft lead so that she could run around and have fun without running away. Needless to say, Lela LOVED it. She was afraid of the waves, but she was not scared of the huge sea gulls and kept chasing them all over the beach.
After our beach trip mom and I drove back and I packed up my things to return to Raleigh. We got home at a decent time, but not in time to make it to small group which was sad because I look foward to that time :(
But, LOST is recording right now and lela is zonked out on the futon so it seemed like a great time to write a blog about how great it was to see mom and dad and to take lela on her first beach trip!! Here are some fun pics from the day we had.